Our protected areas make a major contribution to maintaining biodiversity and the multifaceted, beautiful scenery.
The protection category under nature conservation law is determined by the type of area to be protected and the objective of protection.
Almost the whole of the Südheide nature park is a landscape protection area. Ten nature reserves and the large areas of the park which form part of the European Natura 2000 protected area network safeguard the mot important areas for nature conservation:
Südheide landscape protection area
NSG-LÜ 26 Breites Moor
NSG-LÜ 95 Frehmbeck
NSG-LÜ 150 Hoppenriethe
NSG-LÜ 162 Moor near Gerdehaus
NSG-LÜ 170 Bornriethmoor
NSG-LÜ 190 Kiehnmoor
NSG-LÜ 212 Heathland, mittleres Lüßplateau
NSG-LÜ 248 Weesener Bach
NSG-LÜ 277 Lutter
NSG-LÜ 287 Lachte
NSG-LÜ 314 Lünsholz
NSG-LÜ 315 Quell- und Durchstömungsmoor mit Kleingewässer bei Dalle
Bird sanctuary V 34 Südheide and Aschauteiche near Eschede
Bird sanctuary V 38 Große Heide near Unterlüß and Kiehnmoor
FFH area Ilmenau with tributaries
FFH area Örtze with tributaries
FFH area Bornriethmoor
FFH area Breites Moor
FFH area Lutter, Lachte, Aschau (with some tributaries)
FFH area Heathland and neglected grassland in the Südheide
FFH area Small waterbodies near Dalle
FFH area Entenfang Boye and Bruchbach
FFH area Lünsholz
nature reserves

According to Section 23 of the Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (Federal Nature Conservation Act - BNatSchG), nature reserves are binding areas in which particular protection of nature and the landscape as a whole or in individual parts is necessary
1. in order to preserve, develop or restore habitats, biotopes or communities of specific species of wild animals and plants
2. for scientific or natural history reasons or reasons of regional geography and culture or
3. due to their rarity, particular nature or outstanding beauty.
Any activities which may result in destruction of, damage to or changes to a nature reserve or parts thereof or which may result in a lasting disturbance are in accordance with further provisions prohibited.
The following pages provide further information about the individual nature reserves:
Naturschutzgebiete in Niedersachsen (Nature Reserves in Lower Saxony) (external link to the Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz - Lower Saxony State Office for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation)
landscape protection areas

According to Section 26 of the BNatSchG, landscape protection areas are legally binding areas in which particular conservation of nature and the landscape is necessary
- in order to preserve, develop or restore the efficiency and functioning of the ecosystem or the regenerative capacity and sustainable usability of natural resources, including the protection of habitats of specific species of wild animals and plants,
- due to the diversity, nature and beauty or the particular historico-cultural importance of the landscape or
- due to its particular importance for recreation.
In a landscape protection area all activities are prohibited which change the character of the area or run contrary to the particular protective purpose, in particular with regard to Section 5, para. 1 of the BNatSchG and in accordance with further provisions.